A New

A New Era
New name. New beginning.
New standards. New ways. New people.
We would like to present to you, the new us. A lot of new is happening in our company. The following will present the changes and mark a new era in our history. Not everything will be new. We carry on our legacy, our great brands and our passion for the business and the sports.
We hope you will take your time to skim through.
We look forward to continue our journey together.
A New
From Neilpryde Scandinavia to WAVOS
We have chosen to change our name, to mark the new era in our company history. Our new name have its roots in our legacy from watersports and embraces more brands, new times and new focus.
We are very proud of our origin with Neilpryde and will retain a strong bond and connection with the Neilpryde family.
However today we are so much more. We are our own family of high-end brands, all delivering the best products in their field.

A New
We are going higher
A new name is not going to make the difference. But our new standards will.
We are going to aim higher than ever before and make it as easy as possible to deal with us. We will always stand up and go the extra mile. We consider shops and brands as partners, not just customers and suppliers.
We are not just a distribution. We are a brand hub handling great brands, adding excellent service, aiming you to do better business.
We will be the most adaptive distribution in the business, always seeking for new opportunities and solutions.
That’s a promise.
The New
We are shipping faster, cheaper, safer and more frequently than ever.
Orders received before 12:00 will ship within next business day. You can order the exact amount you want and need now.
Our shipping deals secure good prices, and we cover insurance all the way for your shop.
No hassle
We guarantee to clear warranties within 2 business days.
No more waiting for you or the customer. If warranties are submitted through our warranty form and all necessary info is there, it will be cleared within 2 business days.
The b2b shop.
Our brand new B2B shop is here!
It is now possible to see stock status, prices and to place orders at any time.
Logins will come soon.
We guarantee delivery in time for preorders
If ordered items are not delivered in time for sale, we offer to cancel the order free of charge.
Fall collection items not delivered before 31/01, and Summer collection items not delivered before 30/08.
Product traing on demand.
Our product training goes beyond just showing what’s in our catalogs. With the ENDVR app, we provide a comprehensive training program that equips you with the knowledge and tools to effectively sell our products. The app features a news feed with the latest product releases and company updates, as well as sales contests to keep you engaged and motivated. Our training is always available, so you can access it anytime, anywhere.
Service excellence.
At WAVOS, we strive to provide the ultimate service.
– Direct sales support, always available to assist you with expert advice and guidance.
– Order overview, we deliver a comprehensive overview of your orders. You’ll know exactly what’s ready to ship and when you can expect any backordered items.
– Connect your shop with us. Expand your shop’s selection and boost sales with real-time stock updates from us.
We’re committed to making your life easier and giving you the most extended service possible.
A New
Not completely new, but renewed
Our team has been renewed in order to accommodate the new era and new standards. Still keeping a high level of experience within the line of business, but also including and benefitting from experience from other businesses.
We are a team of passionate and dedicated people, all determined to go that extra mile.
We are always in the mood for a talk or a road trip, so please reach out.

The New
.. And the rest of the excellent team.

For reading and being part of our journey onwards.
Brand Hub for premium water, snow, and outdoor sport brands. Distributing to the Nordics and the Baltics
About us
The Service
The Brands
A new era
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Golfvej 10
7400 Herning
+45 9722 4943
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